Who we are

We are Rudy Visuals, a duo with a love for cameras and storytelling. We are both video professionals by day but in our free time, we love to create images and films that shine a light on our clients and produce content that they are proud to use to represent themselves and show the world.

​Visual art is without a doubt, one of the most essential tools at your disposal. Whether you're a small business owner, a creative artist, or just someone looking to capture special moments in your life, a memorable, eye-catching video or a selection of tailor-made photos can make a powerful difference. We have almost a decade of experience helping clients do just that, and have the skills and experience to deliver creative and engaging visual content. 

We provide all of our photography and video services at competitive prices and pride ourselves on ensuring smooth collaboration and strive for the highest quality production that's centred on your aims and needs. We are with you every step of the way, from conception, storyboarding, planning, execution and post-production. No challenge is too big for us and we've produced everything from high-end documentary-style films, events highlights, weddings, music videos, business ads, studio portraits and motion graphics videos.​​​​

We never stop challenging ourselves as we strive to find better ways to do what we do, and continuously develop and evolve our skill set to ultimately, deliver a better product for our clients. We also currently shoot with a range of professional grade cameras such as the cinema level Sony FX6, Sony FX3, Sony A7S III, A7 III AND A7R III as well as professional grade lenses, lighting and audio equipment - we invest in ourselves to ensure we always have the tools needed to make your vision come to life.

We've got a proven track record of happy clients including big tech brands, artists, models, social media influencers, small business owners and private clients. Although we are based in Hampshire, we have helped clients all across the UK and abroad. Whether you have a story to share with the world, an innovative product to share, or simply a memory you want to capture, we are here to help you.

Some of the great brands we work with:​​​​